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  3. 【2018/07/17】第8回景観形成の自然誌コロキアムを開催しました


今回はボツワナ大学・人間学部歴史学科のMaitseo Bolaane教授とボツワナ大学大学院生Dineo Pekeさんに話題提供していただく予定です.参加費無料,事前の参加予約は必要ありません.奮ってご参加ください.



第8回 景観形成の自然誌コロキアム




高田 明(京都大学アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)

Lifelong learning and sustainable development: play, music & dance- to work transition in contemporary San communities
Dineo Peke (ボツワナ大学大学院生)
Maitseo Bolaane ( ボツワナ大学・サン研究センター・准教授)


The paper looks at San education system as falling within the realm of Traditional African Education which embraces a non-formal curriculum structure and mode of delivery. The presentation is examining the concept of Lifelong learning in the Botswana Kalahari environment, situating the value of San cultural history. The focus is on play, music and dance. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate through illustrations the importance of indigenous learning, training and later life learning through play, music and dance. The paper presents an argument for reconsidering indigenous teaching-learning within the discourse of lifelong learning and sustainable development. Emerging literature suggest that lifelong learning goes beyond the formal school system, including informal learning. San traditional way of life was characterized by hunting and gathering activities, where children were groomed from a tender age to become responsible and independent individuals. Through informal learning children were (and still are) introduced into adulthood chores at an early age. This paper will look at how play, music and dance are significant in the development and growth of children. Evidence from field work show that San children play indigenous games, which are relevant for livelihoods, for instance boys learning how to make bows and arrows for hunting, and girls often portraying motherhood chores. When children are allowed to participate in music and dance at the early stage, they get a chance to socialize with others. Lifelong learning not only enhances social inclusion, active participation, also personal development for sustainable development in future.


* 講演は英語で行われます.通訳はありません.
* 事前の参加予約は必要ありません.どなたでも自由に参加いただけます.
* 参加費は無料です.
* 景観形成の自然誌コロキアムは,以下の研究プロジェクトの一環として2016年度から不定期で開催しております.
科研費補助金・基盤研究(A)(海外学術調査)「アフリカ狩猟採集民・農牧民のコンタクトゾーンにおける景観形成の自然誌」(代表:高田 明)