今回はイギリスのミドルセックス大学の Fabia Franco博士を迎え,乳児の文化的・言語的発達における音楽的相互行為について講演していただきます.参加費無料,事前の参加予約は必要ありません.奮ってご参加ください.
Dr. Fabia Franco(ミドルセックス大学)
ABSTRACT: The contribution of music to the development of communication and language has only recently come to the attention of scientific investigation. In this talk I will argue that in an infant’s soundscape, music and language are not necessarily two separatesystems, particularly when considering the infant-directed register of communication. Rather, musical and linguistic interactions are situated along a continuum in which each modality has something specific to contribute, as well as offering overlapping and intersections. I will briefly review recent empirical and theoretical work and I will present a selection of examples from my research with infants, children and hunter-gatherers (M’bendjele, Batek, and Maniq). The results of my studies suggest that musical contexts facilitate phonetic discrimination (stimulus alternating preference procedure experiment) and attract infant attention (eye-tracking experiment) to the articulatory gesture, with higher levels of exposure to early musical interactions being associated with more favourable outcomes in early language development. Finally, I will present a novel questionnaire that we have designed to quantify informal musical interactions in the family and a first feasibility study for an intervention based on musical groups for parents and infants.
* 講演は英語で行われます.通訳はありません.
* 事前の参加予約は必要ありません.どなたでも自由に参加いただけます.
* 参加費は無料です.