第11回「アフリカ地域研究パラダイム再編セミナー」を京都大学稲盛財団記念館318号室で3月5日(月)に開催しました.(共催 第6回景観形成の自然誌コロキアム)
今回はケルン大学のThomas Widlok教授を迎え、未来のアフリカを枠づける:「未来のアフリカ村落」プログラムにおける新規共同研究の報告 について講演していただきました.
第11回 アフリカ地域研究パラダイム再編セミナー
Thomas Widlok(ケルン大学)
This presentation provides a short summary of a new collaborative research center (CRC) that has recently been launched at the University of Cologne (https://www.crc228.de/) and it reports some preliminary findings on the role of framing the future in processes of current land conversions.
The starting point for the new CRC is the observation of large-scale land conversions in Africa. In some areas large tracks of land are set aside for conservation (for instance the KAZA Transborder Park) while at the same time there are plans for large-scale intensification of land use for agriculture or other forms of resource extraction. In some places both processes take place side-by-side, an example is the KAZA Park that is cut-across by a major highway and development corridor. The new CRC tries to understand these processes in terms of the ways in which ideas about the future make these developments possible and more generally how futures are made for rural Africa. We follow A. Appadurai in distinguishing futures of possibilities from futures of probabilities and we seek to understand these transformations as being both social and ecological, linked across local, national, regional and global scales. In this presentation I shall provide some examples on how the anthropology of time is relevant for the larger research programme as defined by the new collaborative research center.
・ Kyoto University African Study Seminar (KUASS)
・ Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation(NLコロキアム)