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  3. 第8回 子育ての生態学的未来構築コロキアム(2024年11月15日開催)

Restructuring Ethnicity, Gender, and Ecological Knowledge in the
Contact Zones of Namibia

【日程】 2024年11月15日(金)
【会場】京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 稲盛財団記念館3F 中会議室
【申込】 以下の専用フォームに必要事項をご記入の上、お申し込みください。

12:50~13:00 Akira Takada (Kyoto University, Japan)
Introduction to “restructuring ethnicity, gender, and ecological knowledge in the contact zones of Namibia”

13:00~13:30 Mayu Watanabe (Kyoto University, Japan)
Pastors’ Gender Perspectives in Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN): From Two Feminist Ideologies

13:30~14:00 Hu Elsa (Kyoto University, Japan)
Old wisdom and essential foods: Discovering the food scenes of Ovambo single-mother households

14:00~14:30 Simon Hangula (Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, Namibia)
The ecological mechanisms causing landscape ecological fragments formations: Application of Remote Sensing and GIS mapping in Namibia

14:30~15:00 Yuichiro Fujioka (Kyushu University, Japan)
Ondombe as cultural landscape: A monograph of seasonal wetlands utilization by Owambo people in north-central Namibia

15:00~15:15 Short break

15:15~15:45 Mattia Fumanti (University of St Andrews, UK)
The Otavi mine company lets its sick workers starve’: Madness and well-being in the colonial mines

15:45~16:15Kleopas Nghikefelwa (Museum and Art Project Coordinator, Namibia)
Bridging the San, Aawambo, and Christian cultural heritage: The life and achievements of Nghikefelwa Sakaria

16:15~16:45 Romie Nghitevelekwa (University of Namibia) and Martha Akawa (University of Namibia)
Indigenous ecological knowledge for climate early warning and preparedness in northern Namibia

General Discussion

 * 講演は英語で行われます.
 * 問い合わせ 「アフリカ狩猟採集民・農牧民のコンタクトゾーンにおける子育ての生態学的未来構築」 

E-mail: CCI.takada.lab※gmail.com (※を@マークに変換してください)