Diversity within diversity: a description of Tshaasi
【Date】9th January 2024 (Tue)
【Time】15:00 – 17:00
【Venue】Kyoto University, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), 318.
No reservation is required for participating in the Seminar.

15:00-15:15 Introduction Akira Takada ( Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies professor)
15:15-17:00 Saeed Radawi (Humboldt university Berlin)
Title: “Diversity within diversity: a description of Tshaasi”
abstract: Tshaasi, the easternmost variety of Taa (Naumann 2014), is the least studied dialect group of the language complex. The aim of my doctoral project is to fill this gap and to provide a description of Tshaasi with particular reference to language contact.
In my talk, I will outline the main questions to be addressed in my project, along with some preliminary results of my ongoing research. First, the integrity of Tshaasi as a genealogical unit will be called into question, as the presumed variety extends over a relatively large geographical area. Second, an assessment of the degree of relatedness to other varieties of Taa, especially those of East Taa, will be conducted. And lastly, since Tshaasi is spoken in the center of the so-called ‘central Kalahari’ (Güldemann 2014: 18), aspects of language contact, especially with Gǀui, ǂ’Amkoe (Nǃaqriaxe) and Kgalagadi, will be examined.
* The talk is given in English, and no translation will be provided.
*No reservation is required for participating in the Colloquium.
The Colloquium of Ecological future making of childrearing is a serial seminar that was set up in Academic Year 2022, as part of the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “Ecological future making of childrearing in contact zones between hunter-gatherers and agro-pastoralists in Africa” (Primary Investigator: Akira Takada).
E-mail: CCI.takada.lab※gmail.com