Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa(2024/08/01-09/06) Report on the Dispatch to Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa: Progresses of Scientific Research (S) Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesProfessor, Akira Takada From August 1 to September 6, 2024, I visited the University of Botswana, New Xade Village in Botswana, the University of Namibia, Evangelical Lutheran...
Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Botswana (2023/12/14-2024/01/03) Report on the Dispatch to Botswana: Action research through revitalization of folk tales through picture-story shows, etc. Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesProfessor, Akira Takada From December 14, 2005 to January 3, 2024, I visited mainly the villages of Ghanzi and New Xade in Botswana to conduct...
Koji Hayashi (Research Fellow,Kyoto University)Dispatch report, Botswana and South Africa Exploring the Potential of Scientific Research (S) Koji HayashiSpecially Appointed Research FellowThe Center for African Area StudiesKyoto University From September 24 to October 2, 2022, I visited to the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Botswana. It was the first visit to both countries for me, I accompanied...
Akira Takada (Professor,Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa (2022/09/24-2022/12/15) Report on the Dispatch to Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa: Grounding of Scientific Research (S) Akira TakadaProfessorGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesKyoto University From September 24 to December 15, 2022, I visited the University of Botswana, New Xade Village in Botswana, the University of Namibia, Ekoka Village in...