Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Namibia (2024/10/18-11/03) Report on the Dispatch to Namibia:Organizational structuring of Scientific Research (S) Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesProfessor, Akira Takada From October 18 to November 3, 2024, I visited mainly the University of Namibia, JICA Namibia Office, Embassy of Japan in Namibia, Oshana Village, Endobe Village, Onandjokwe Medical...
Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa(2024/08/01-09/06) Report on the Dispatch to Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa: Progresses of Scientific Research (S) Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesProfessor, Akira Takada From August 1 to September 6, 2024, I visited the University of Botswana, New Xade Village in Botswana, the University of Namibia, Evangelical Lutheran...
Shino Yamamoto (Graduate Student) Dispatch report, Namibia (2023/09/25-2023/12/26) Report on the Dispatch to Namibia: Acquiring knowledge: The study of children’s livelihood and indigenous knowledge in Ovahimba Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesDivision of African Area StudiesShino Yamamoto Dispatch Period: 25th September 2023−26th December 2023Destination of Dispatch: The Republic of NamibiaKey Words: children, socialization, nomadic life,...
Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Namibia (2023/08/05-2023/08/23) Report on the Dispatch to Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa: Development of Scientific Research (S) Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesProfessor, Akira Takada From August 5 to 23, 2023, I visited mainly the National Archives and Library of Namibia, the University of Namibia, and the Evangelical Lutheran...
Koji Hayashi (Research Fellow,Kyoto University)Dispatch report, Namibia (2022/11/4-2023/11/13) Report on the Dispatch to Namibia: Exploring the Potential of Scientific Research (S) Koji HayashiSpecially Appointed Research FellowThe Center for African Area StudiesKyoto University From November 4 to 13, 2022, I visited to the Republic of Namibia. Accompanied by Prof. Takada, the project representative, I had meetings with relevant personnel...
Shino Yamamoto(Graduate Student) Dispatch report, Namibia (2022/11/2-2023/1/26) Report on the Dispatch to Namibia: Acquiring knowledge: The study of children’s livelihood and indigenous knowledge in Ovahimba Shino Yamamoto3rd year studentDivision of African Area StudiesGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesKyoto University Dispatch Period: 2nd November 2022−26th January 2023Destination of Dispatch: The Republic of NamibiaKey Words: children, socialization,...