Hangula Simon (PhD candidate) Dispatch report, Cameroon (2025/02/14-2025/03/04) Fieldtrip Data Collection Report for Cameroon: Ecological Mechanisms Moulding Landscape Formations: A Remote Sensing and GIS Applications: – “Case Study in Cameroon“ Hangula SimonPhD candidateGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesKyoto University Dispatch Period: 14th February 2025−4th March 2025Destination of Dispatch: Tropical Rainforest Area, Southeast Province, Cameroon 1. Introduction...
William Kamgaing (JSPS researcher, Kyoto University)Dispatch report, Cameroon (2025/02/14-2025/03/04) Report on the Dispatch to Cameroon Kyoto UniversityThe Center for African Area Studies, JSPS researcherWilliam Kamgaing I traveled to Cameroon from February 14 to March 4, 2025 with my colleague, Mr. Simon Hangula. The purpose was to contribute to a rapid evaluation of land-use patterns and perceptions of forest degradation...
Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Namibia (2024/10/18-11/03) Report on the Dispatch to Namibia:Organizational structuring of Scientific Research (S) Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesProfessor, Akira Takada From October 18 to November 3, 2024, I visited mainly the University of Namibia, JICA Namibia Office, Embassy of Japan in Namibia, Oshana Village, Endobe Village, Onandjokwe Medical...
The following paper was published 【2024/12/24】The following paper was published Takada, A. (2024). Doing being senior/junior: Reconsidering naming andkinship relationships among the !Xun of north-central Namibia. NordicJournal of African Studies, 33(4), 406-416.
Electronic versions of the following book was published 【2024/12/19】Electronic versions of the following book was published
“Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Quality”was published “Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Quality”was published 【2024/12/14】The following book was published Among CCI members, Takada (Chapter 10: pp.154-173) contributed anarticle to this book.Flick, U. (ed.)(2024). Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Quality.London: Sage Publications.
The following paper was published 【2024/12/12】The following paper was published Takada, A. (2024). Acting like others: Analysis of caregiver-childinteractions among the !Xun. National Museum of Ethnology ResearchReports, 49(1), 67-92.
The following paper was published 【2024/11/29】The following paper was published Takada, A. (2024). The formation of natural persons and diversity ofattachment relationships in hunter-gatherer child-rearing. HunterGatherer Research.https://doi.org/10.3828/hgr.2024.37
The following paper was published 【2024/10/01】The following paper was published Sekiguchi, K. Takada, A. (2024). Reconsidering egalitarian principleamong the San: Comparison of social changes among the remote areadwellers at Xade, New Xade, and Kag|ae in Ghanzi District, Botswana.Asian and African Area Studies, 24(1), 78-110.
Interview article with Dr. Hashiya Kazuhide and Dr. Tebogo Thandie Leepile Interview article with Dr. Hashiya Kazuhide Interviewer: Akira Takada and Dr. Tebogo Thandie LeepileInterview date:February 20,2024 Takada : Thank you very much for taking time after the dinner (laugh). This is for the website, so let me first ask your name and your specialty, Hashiya-san. Hashiya : Yes. I’m Hashiya,...