The following paper was published 【2024/12/24】The following paper was published Takada, A. (2024). Doing being senior/junior: Reconsidering naming andkinship relationships among the !Xun of north-central Namibia. NordicJournal of African Studies, 33(4), 406-416.
Electronic versions of the following book was published 【2024/12/19】Electronic versions of the following book was published
“Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Quality”was published “Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Quality”was published 【2024/12/14】The following book was published Among CCI members, Takada (Chapter 10: pp.154-173) contributed anarticle to this book.Flick, U. (ed.)(2024). Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Quality.London: Sage Publications.
The following paper was published 【2024/12/12】The following paper was published Takada, A. (2024). Acting like others: Analysis of caregiver-childinteractions among the !Xun. National Museum of Ethnology ResearchReports, 49(1), 67-92.
The following paper was published 【2024/11/29】The following paper was published Takada, A. (2024). The formation of natural persons and diversity ofattachment relationships in hunter-gatherer child-rearing. HunterGatherer Research.
The following paper was published 【2024/10/01】The following paper was published Sekiguchi, K. Takada, A. (2024). Reconsidering egalitarian principleamong the San: Comparison of social changes among the remote areadwellers at Xade, New Xade, and Kag|ae in Ghanzi District, Botswana.Asian and African Area Studies, 24(1), 78-110.
The following article and interview have been published The following article and interview have been published in“Hunter Gatherer Research”, the international journal onhunter-gatherer societies, and both are open access. Noguchi, T, & Takada, A. (2024). Help to climb up: Impacts of moderneducation among the Gǀui and Gǁana. Hunter Gatherer Research Tanaka, J., Noguchi, T., & Takada, A. (2024)....
The following Emotion socialization collection has been published in Scientifc Reports 【2024/3/14】The following Emotion socialization collection has been published in Scientifc Reports CCI members, Takada was involved in the editorial work as one of the co-editors.Below is an overview of this collection.Takada, A. & Dan-Glauser, E. (2024). Decoding the complexities ofemotion socialization: cultures, individual features and sharedinformation. Scientific Reports 14, 3536...
Newsletter No.1 (November 2023) has been published. Newsletter No.1 (November 2023) has been published. Newsletter No.1 (November 2023)
“Japanese Handbook of Language Socialization” was published 【2023/10/06】The following book was published<>Among the CCI members, Takada (Editor; pp.3-34, 189-213), Ochs (pp.37-72), Burdelski (pp.237-265) contributed to the book..Cook-Minegishi, H. & Takada, A. (eds.). (2023). Japanese handbook of language socialization. Tokyo: Hitsuji shobo. .