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The 7th Colloquium of Ecological Future Making of Childrearing(20th June,2024)

The 7th Colloquium of Ecological Future Making of Childrearing(20th June,2024)

【Date】20th June,2024【Time】14:00 – 17:30【Place】Kyoto University, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Large-sized meeting room.【Style】Face-to-face【Language】EnglishNo reservation is required for participating in the Seminar. 【Schedule】 14:00~14:05 Dr. Akira Takada (Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University)Introduction 14:05-15:05 Mr. HANGLA Simon Hangula (Senior conservation scientist, Ministry of Environment,...

The 2nd CCI Short-talk(2024/06/03)

【Date】Monday, June 3rd, 2024【Time】14:00 pm – 15:30 pm【Place】Kyoto University, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Small-sized meeting room ii. 【Speaker】Prof. Peg Barratt(Dept. of Psychological and Brain Sciences, George Washington University /Solar Cookers International Board /Former Visiting Researcher at ASAFAS, Kyoto University) 【Title】Solar Cooking: A cross-cutting solution Summary:What is a solar cooker? Why...
The 6th Colloquium of Ecological future making of childrearing

The 6th Colloquium of Ecological future making of childrearing

【Date】Thursday, May 23rd, 2024【Time】15:00 – 17:30【Place】Kyoto University, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Large-sized meeting room.No reservation is required for participating in the Seminar.【Style】Face-to-face【Language】English 【Schedule】 15:00-15:05 Akira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) Introduction 15:05-16:05 Carolin Demuth(Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University)  Title: Mother-infant...
The following Emotion socialization collection has been published in Scientifc Reports

The following Emotion socialization collection has been published in Scientifc Reports

【2024/3/14】The following Emotion socialization collection has been published in Scientifc Reportshttps://www.nature.com/collections/facfeicdifAmong CCI members, Takada was involved in the editorial work as one of the co-editors.Below is an overview of this collection.Takada, A. & Dan-Glauser, E. (2024). Decoding the complexities ofemotion socialization: cultures, individual features and sharedinformation. Scientific Reports 14, 3536...