Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) participated in the round table at the 54th Annual Conference of the Japan Music Education Society in Hirosaki Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) participated in the round table at the 54th Annual Conference of the Japan Music Education Society in Hirosaki
An interview with Yuriko Sugiyama was published in “100 People of the Japan Society of Lifology”! An interview with Yuriko Sugiyama was published in “100 People of the Japan Society of Lifology”! vol. 21 杉山由里子氏
“Japanese Handbook of Language Socialization” was published 【2023/10/06】The following book was published<https://www.hituzi.co.jp/hituzibooks/ISBN978-4-8234-1049-9.htm>Among the CCI members, Takada (Editor; pp.3-34, 189-213), Ochs (pp.37-72), Burdelski (pp.237-265) contributed to the book..Cook-Minegishi, H. & Takada, A. (eds.). (2023). Japanese handbook of language socialization. Tokyo: Hitsuji shobo. .
114th CCI Data Session (10 6, 2023) Date:2023/10/6, 12:00~13:45Venue:Kyoto University, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), 301Title :「hazukashii」Presenter: Kyoto University, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Professor, Akira Takada
Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Namibia (2023/08/05-2023/08/23) Report on the Dispatch to Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa: Development of Scientific Research (S) Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesProfessor, Akira Takada From August 5 to 23, 2023, I visited mainly the National Archives and Library of Namibia, the University of Namibia, and the Evangelical Lutheran...
Kyoto University Press Magazine, “Kurenai-moyuru”, published an article about Yuriko Sugiyama, a research fellow. Kyoto University Press Magazine, “Kurenai-moyuru: 44”, published an article about Yuriko Sugiyama, a research fellow. https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kurenai/202309/spirit/sugiyama_san.html
Awards: Yuriko Sugiyama (Research fellow), “Best Research Paper Award”, Japan Society of Lifology Yuriko Sugiyama, research fellow, received “Best Research Paper Award” from Japan Society of Lifology. The winning paper is ”Social Restructuring and Funerary Rites among the Central Kalahari San of Botswana: Coping with the Changes of Life and Death”, Japan Society of Lifology 2021, 40: 1-14.
The obituary to Alan Bernard The following obituary was published.<https://rai.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-8322.12817>. We pray for the repose of the soul of Alan Barnard, who was also a Japanophile.Widlok, T., & Takada, A. (2023). Obituary: Alan Barnard (1949-2022). Anthropology Today, 39(3), 26.
Tomoe Noguchi (Graduate Student) Dispatch report, Norway (2023/3/26-2023/4/2) Repot on Dispatch to Norway: Participating the workshop “Contemporary hunter-gatherers and education in a changing world: Towards sustainable futures” Tomoe Noguchi2nd year graduate studentDivision of African Area StudiesGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesKyoto University Dispatch period: From March 26 to April 2, 2023Destination of Dispatch: Tromsø, Kingdom of...
Koji Hayashi (Research Fellow,Kyoto University)Dispatch report, Cameroon (2022/02/04-2023/03/14) Report on Dispatch to Cameroon -Groundwork for the study, including fostering research Koji HayashiSpecially Appointed Research FellowThe Center for African Area StudiesKyoto University From February 4 to March 14, 2023, I traveled to the Republic of Cameroon. The study was conducted in the following areas: 1) In Yaoundé,the capital of...