Environmental History in Southern Africa (The 10th Colloquium of Ecological Future Making of Childrearing) (February 19th 2025)

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Environmental History in Southern Africa (The 10th Colloquium of Ecological Future Making of Childrearing) (February 19th 2025)

DATE : 14:00 – 17:00, February 19th (Wednesday) 2025
VENUE: #Large-sized meeting room, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building
(third floor), Kyoto University

STYLE: All presentations will be given in person
Co-organized with Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University

14:00‐14:05 Introduction
Dr. Akira Takada (Professor, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)

14:05‐15:05 The environmental history of gold mining in South Africa:
Focusing on environmental racism

Dr. Maohong BAO (Specially Appointed Professor, Center for Global
History, Osaka University / Peking University)

15:05-15:15 Short break

15:15-16:15 The transformation of socio-economic relationships between
the San and Ovawambo people since the mid-1950s

Dr. Ndapewa Fenny Nakanyete (Lecturer of Human Geography, Department
of Environmental Science, University of Namibia)

16:15-17:00 Discussion
Dr. Yanyin ZI (Assistant Professor, College of Intercultural
Communication, Rikkyo University)


* No prior reservation is required. Everyone is welcome to attend.

* Presentations will be given in English.

* For any inquiries, please contact the following:  

MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S)  “ Ecological future making of childrearing in contact zones between hunter-gatherers and agro-pastoralists in Africa”

E-mail: CCI.takada.lab※gmail.com