Akira Takada
Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University

Research area of responsible for advising
Anthropology, African Area Studies
Research Director
Reseach theme
Socialization of behavior, Embodiment of language, Internalization of institution
Research area
- Takada, A.(2021) Pragmatic reframing from distress to playfulness: !Xun caregiver responses to infant crying. Journal of Pragmatics 181: 180–195.
- Yamada, S., Takada, A., & Kessi, S.(eds.)(2021) Knowledge, education, and social structure in Africa. Langaa RPCIG.
- Takada, A.(2020) The ecology of playful childhood: Caregiver-child interactions among the San of southern Africa. Palgrave Macmillan.
- 高田明(2020) 環境との関わりを深めること: グイ/ガナの道探索実践における指示詞とジェスチャーの用法. 文化人類学 84(4): 443–462. 査読有.
- Takada, A. & Kawashima, M.(2019) Caregivers’ strategies for eliciting storytelling in Japanese caregiver-childpicture-book reading activities. Research on Children and Social Interaction 3(1-2): 196–223.
- 高田明(2019) 相互行為の人類学: 「心」と「文化」が出会う場所. 新曜社. 単著,査読無.
- Takada, A.(2018) Environmentally coupled gestures among the Central Kalahari San. In D. Favareau (Ed.), Co-operative Engagements in Intertwined Semiosis. University of Tartu Press, pp.397–408.
- Takada, A.(ed.)(2016) Special Issue: Natural history of communication among the Central Kalahari San. African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 52: 1–187.
- 高田明・嶋田容子・川島理恵(編)(2016) 子育ての会話分析:おとなと子どもの「責任」はどう育つか. 昭和堂. 編著,査読有.
- Takada, A.(2015) Narratives on San ethnicity: The cultural and ecological foundations of lifeworld among the !Xun of north-central Namibia. Kyoto University Press & Trans Pacific Press.