An interview with Yuriko Sugiyama was published in “100 People of the Japan Society of Lifology”! An interview with Yuriko Sugiyama was published in “100 People of the Japan Society of Lifology”! vol. 21 杉山由里子氏
“Japanese Handbook of Language Socialization” was published 【2023/10/06】The following book was published<>Among the CCI members, Takada (Editor; pp.3-34, 189-213), Ochs (pp.37-72), Burdelski (pp.237-265) contributed to the book..Cook-Minegishi, H. & Takada, A. (eds.). (2023). Japanese handbook of language socialization. Tokyo: Hitsuji shobo. .
114th CCI Data Session (10 6, 2023) Date:2023/10/6, 12:00~13:45Venue:Kyoto University, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), 301Title :「hazukashii」Presenter: Kyoto University, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Professor, Akira Takada
Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Namibia (2023/08/05-2023/08/23) Report on the Dispatch to Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa: Development of Scientific Research (S) Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesProfessor, Akira Takada From August 5 to 23, 2023, I visited mainly the National Archives and Library of Namibia, the University of Namibia, and the Evangelical Lutheran...
Kyoto University Press Magazine, “Kurenai-moyuru”, published an article about Yuriko Sugiyama, a research fellow. Kyoto University Press Magazine, “Kurenai-moyuru: 44”, published an article about Yuriko Sugiyama, a research fellow.
We will have public lectures at The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University. We will have public lectures at The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University from October 2023 to February 2024. All courses will be conducted in Japanese. ☆開講日程 第1回:2023年10月7日(土)15~17時 高田明「人類学から考える子育て:南部アフリカクン・サンの事例から」 第2回:2023年11月11日(土)15~17時 杉山由里子「環境の変化の中で死と向き合う:南部アフリカ ブッシュマンの事例から」 第3回:2023年12月9日(土)15~17時 林耕次「子どもの日常から探る衛生感覚:カメルーン熱帯バカ・ピグミーの事例から」 第4回:2024年1月13日(土)15~17時 安岡宏和「コンゴ盆地・カメルーンの熱帯雨林で野生動物マネジメントを共創する」 第5回:2024年2月3日(土)15~17時 原田英典「水・衛生と健康:ザンビア・ルサカの事例から」 ☆会場 京都大学稲盛財団記念館 3階大会議室 ☆お申し込み方法 名前(ふりがな)、Eメールアドレス/電話番号などの連絡先、受講希望講座を記して、下記のいずれかへお送りください。 「京都大学アフリカセンター地域研究資料センター公開講座係」 ①Email: ②郵便:606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 (*すべて講座は対面でおこないます。すべて講座は無料です。)
Awards: Yuriko Sugiyama (Research fellow), “Best Research Paper Award”, Japan Society of Lifology Yuriko Sugiyama, research fellow, received “Best Research Paper Award” from Japan Society of Lifology. The winning paper is ”Social Restructuring and Funerary Rites among the Central Kalahari San of Botswana: Coping with the Changes of Life and Death”, Japan Society of Lifology 2021, 40: 1-14.
Tanaka Ayana (Graduate Student) Dispatch report, Cameroon (2023/02/11-2023/07/25) Report on the Dispatch to Cameroon: A survey of Baka hunter-gatherer children using the focal sampling method Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesDivision of African Area StudiesTanaka Ayana Dispatch Period: 11th February 2023−25th July 2023Destination of Dispatch: Tropical Rainforest Area, Southeast Province, CameroonKeywords: Parenting, Attachment, Enculturation, Socialization...
Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Belgian (2023/07/08-2023/07/12) Report on the Dispatch to Belgian: Participation and presentation at the 18th IPrA Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesProfessor, Akira Takada Period: July 8-12, 2023 Destination: Brussels, Belgium Keywords: space and place, language socialization, social distance 1. Introduction As part of the project “the ecological future making...
Akira Takada (Professor, Kyoto University) Dispatch report, Australia (2023/06/27-2023/07/02) Report on the Dispatch to Australia: Participation and Presentation at ICCA2023 Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Asian and African Area StudiesProfessor Akira Takada From June 27 to July 2, 2023, I visited the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia (Photo 1) to participate in The International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA2023)...