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The 7th Colloquium of Ecological Future Making of Childrearing(20th June,2024)

The 7th Colloquium of Ecological Future Making of Childrearing(20th June,2024)

【Date】20th June,2024【Time】14:00 – 17:30【Place】Kyoto University, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Large-sized meeting room.【Style】Face-to-face【Language】EnglishNo reservation is required for participating in the Seminar. 【Schedule】 14:00~14:05 Dr. Akira Takada (Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University)Introduction 14:05-15:05 Mr. HANGLA Simon Hangula (Senior conservation scientist, Ministry of Environment,...
The following Emotion socialization collection has been published in Scientifc Reports

The following Emotion socialization collection has been published in Scientifc Reports

【2024/3/14】The following Emotion socialization collection has been published in Scientifc Reportshttps://www.nature.com/collections/facfeicdifAmong CCI members, Takada was involved in the editorial work as one of the co-editors.Below is an overview of this collection.Takada, A. & Dan-Glauser, E. (2024). Decoding the complexities ofemotion socialization: cultures, individual features and sharedinformation. Scientific Reports 14, 3536...