【2018/04/02】Joint Seminar

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The joint seminar of “Seminar on Developmental Science, Kyoto University” and “2nd Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition”


2nd April 2018 (Monday) 13:30-15:30
(The reception will open on 13:00)
#4 lecture room, 2nd Floor, New Building of Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University
(Between No.5 and No.8 in the map)
13:30-13:40 Introduction
Musilanguage in the cradle: Musical interactions across cultures and
language development in infancy
Fabia Franco (PhD), Middlesex University, London UK

Abstract: The contribution of music to the development of communication and language has only recently come to the attention of scientific investigation. In this talk I will argue that in an infant’s soundscape, music and language are not necessarily two separate systems, particularly when considering the infant-directed register of communication. Rather, musical and linguistic interactions are situated along a continuum in which each modality has something specific to contribute, as well as offering overlapping and intersections. I will briefly review recent empirical and theoretical work and I will present a selection of examples from my research with infants, children and hunter-gatherers (M’bendjele, Batek, and Maniq). The results of my studies suggest that musical contexts facilitate phonetic discrimination (stimulus alternating preference procedure experiment) and attract infant attention (eye-tracking experiment) to the articulatory gesture, with higher levels of exposure to early musical interactions being associated with more favourable outcomes in early language development. Finally, I will present a novel questionnaire that we have designed to quantify informal musical interactions in the family and a first feasibility study for an intervention based on musical groups for parents and infants.

15:00-15:30 General discussion
* The talk is given in English, and no translation will be provided.
* No reservation is required for participating in the Seminar.
* Admission-free.