【2018/02/19】10th Seminar of Reconstructing the Paradigm of African Area Studies 10th Seminar of Reconstructing the Paradigm of African Area Studies <Date> 19th February 2018 (Monday) 17:00-19:00 (Reception will open on 16:30) <Venue> #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University https://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/about/access <Schedule> 17:00-17:10 Introduction Akira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University) 17:10-18:30...
【2018/01/09】giving a lecture The following lecture was given at Osaka University, Japan Takada, A. (2018). An anthropological approach to the study of caregiver-child interactions: Analysis of sleep, breastfeeding, and gymnastic exercise among the !Xun of north-central Namibia. A paper presented at the 4th round of the serial seminar in AY2017 at the Center...
【2017/12/01~03】International Symposium France-Japan Area Studies Forum International Symposium France-Japan Area Studies Forum , 1st-3rd December 2017 >Details (Official Web Site)
【2017/08/26】giving a lecture The following lecture was given at Yamagata, Japan Takada, A. (2017). Natural history of childrearing: A study of caregiver-child interactions among the !Xun of north-central Namibia. A special lecture presented at the 106th regional meeting of the Japan Pediatric Society in Yamagata prefecture, Hotel Metropolitan Yamagata, Yamagata, Japan, 26th August...
【2017/07/21】Award gotten! Dr. Akira Takada, the Principal Investigator of CCI research group got the Daido Life Foundation Incentive Award for Area Studies <http://www.daido-life-fd.or.jp/business/presentation/encouragementaward/4961>
【2017/06/10】having a panel discussion The following panel discussion was held at the University of Cologne, Germany Takada, A. (2017). Panel discussant of Roundtable 1: De-centering Europe: Not only from the South but also from the East and from the North (together with F., Widlok, T., Krause, F., Ventsel, A., Gray, P., Drazkiewicz, & E.,...
【2017/06/07】giving a talk The following talk was given at Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands Takada, A. (2017). Language Socialization among the San: Reconsidering Infant Directed Speech. Paper presented at “Language Socialisation in trilingual communities in Africa and beyond: Brainstorming Workshop”. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands, 7-11 June 2017(June...
【2017/02/24】giving a lecture The following lecture was given at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France Takada, A. (2017). Practices of early cultural learning: Responsibility formation in caregiver-infant interaction among the G|ui/G||ana of Botswana. Paper presented at Laboratoire Ethologie, Cognition, Développement, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Paris, France, 24th February 2017. <https://www.ehess.fr/fr/professeur-invit%C3%A9/takada>
【2017/02/21】giving a lecture The following lecture was given at EHESS, Paris, France Takada, A. (2017). The cultural and ecological foundations of ethnicity among the !Xun of North-central Namibia. Paper presented at Comprendre les relations Afrique-Asie: espace transversal de recherches et d’enseignement (CRAA-ETRE), EHESS, Paris, France, 21st February 2017. <https://www.ehess.fr/fr/professeur-invit%C3%A9/takada>
【2017/02/14】giving a lecture The following lecture was given at Linkoeping University, Sweden. Takada, A. (2017). Participation in rhythm: Peer group interactions among the !Xun San of Namibia. Paper presented at Paper presented at Tema Barn Higher seminar spring 2017. Linkoeping University, Sweden, 14th February 2017. <https://www.tema.liu.se/tema-b/seminarier/gaster-pa-tema-barn?l=en>