Hunters among farmers: The !Xun of Ekoka It’s a substantially revised edition of “Narratives on San ethnicity” (Kyoto University Press & Trans Pacific Press, 2015). Takada, A. (2022). Hunters among farmers: The !Xun of Ekoka. Windhoek: University of Namibia Press.
【2022/1/7】The following special issue of “Techniques & Culture” was published <>. Among the CCI members, Takada contributed as one of the editors and authors (pp.10-23, 56-69). Joulian, F., Shimada, M., Takada, A., & Tian, X. (Eds.). (2021). Waza, l’art ineffable de l’apprentissage. Techniques & Culture, 76, 1-253.
【2021/9/27】The following book was published <>. Among the CCI members, Takada & Miyake (pp.245-266) contributed chapters. Steinforth, A. S. & Klocke-Daffa, S. (eds.)(2021) Challenging authorities: Ethnographies of legitimacy and power in eastern and southern Africa. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
【2021/03/19】The following book was published. Yamada, S., Takada, A., & Kessi, S. (Eds.). (2021). Knowledge, education, and social structure in Africa. Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG <> Among the CCI members, Takada (Introduction, Chapter 2) contributed as an editor and author.
【2021/02/20】A joint review session was held. In the Zoom symposium of the MC research group <>, a joint review session of “Anthropology of interaction: Places where “mind” meets “culture”” was held.
【2021/02/11】A book review was published. The book review of “Anthropology of interaction: Places where “mind” meets “culture”” was published in Journal of African Studies, 98, 56-60.
【2020/11/22】A book review was published. The book review of “Narratives on San ethnicity: The cultural and ecological foundations of lifeworld among the !Xun of north-central Namibia” was published in Journal of Southern African Studies, 45(2)<>. In addition, based on the book review, a discussion seminar was held at the following webinar.The Webinar Series of Kalahari...
【2020/11/09】A book review was published. The book review of “Anthropology of interaction: Places where “mind”meets “culture”” was published in Japanese Journal of Social Psychology,35(3) <DOI:>.
【2020/08/27】Giving a talk The following talk was given in a webinar series. Takada, A. (2020). The use of demonstratives and gestures in the wayfinding practices of the G|ui/G||ana. Paper presented at the Webinar Series of Kalahari Basin Area Network. 27th August 2020.
【2020/08/23】The results of many years of research was published as the single author book below! Takada, A. (2020). The ecology of playful childhood: Caregiver-childinteractions among the San of southern Africa.New York: Palgrave Macmillan.<>