【2019/07/13】The following paper was published Takada, A. (2019). Socialization practices regarding shame in Japanese caregiver-child interactions. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1545. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01545
【2019/07/05】Giving a public lecture The following event was held as the pre-congress of 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Baby Science “Who sings lullabies: making a baby sleep and sleeping of baby” 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Baby Science, University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo, Japan, 5th July 2019....
【2019/04/09】 book publication The following book was published from Sekaishisosha. Matsumura, K., Nakagawa, O., & Ishii, M. (eds.)(2019) Thinking strategies of cultural anthropology. Kyoto: Sekaishisousha (in Japanese) <http://sekaishisosha.jp/book/b449100.html> The following chapter is contributed to this book by a CCI member. Takada, A. (forthcoming). Child and adult: Where do we come from? Where are we going?...
【2019/03/07】giving a lecture The following lecture was given at Aalborg University, Denmark Takada, A. (2019). Socialization practices regarding shame (hazukashii) in Japanese caregiver-child interactions. Paper presented at Series of guest lectures in psychology, Center for Developmental & Applied Psychological Science, Aalborg University, Denmark, 7th March 2019. <https://www.kommunikation.aau.dk/arrangementer/arrangement/socialization-practices-regarding-shame–hazukashii–in-japanese-caregiver-child-interactions.cid390950>
【2019/02/09】Book Publication. The following book was published. CCI member, A. Takada gave a commentary to Ch.4. Negayama, K., Toyama, N., & Miyauchi, H.(eds.), Shared childrearing: Learning about allomothering from the case of Tarama Island, Okinawa. Tokyo: Kanekoshobo. (in Japanese) <https://honto.jp/netstore/pd-book_29361934.html>
【2019/2/9】Book Publication. The following book was published. Takada, A. (2019). Anthropology of interaction: Places where “mind” meets “culture”. Tokyo: Shinyosha. (in Japanese) <https://www.hanmoto.com/bd/isbn/9784788516076>
【2018/12/13】Paper Publication. The following paper was published. It is based on the panel discussion surrounding professor Stephen C. Levinson for 20th anniversary of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences held in March 2018. Takada, A., Katagiri, Y., & Kataoka, K. (2018). Comments on “Interactional foundations of language: The interaction engine hypothesis”: Perspectives...
【2018/12/4】giving talks The following talk was given at Paris, France Takada, A. (2018). Folk knowledge and wayfinding practices among the San of the Central Kalahari. A paper presented at Kyoto-EHESS International Symposium 2019: Contribution of Area Studies to Global Challenges in Africa. BULAC, Paris, France, 4th December 2018.
【2018/11/17】A panel held The following panel was held at San Jose, the USA Crying, caregiving and embodied organization of emotion socialization: A tribute to the lifework of M. H. Goodwin. Panel held at the 117th Annual meeting of American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA, November 17th, 2018. Program, p.305. Organizers: Asta Cekaite (Linkoping...
【2018/10/18】giving talks The following talks were given at London, UK Takada, A. (2018). How the !Xun soothe and amuse infants? Paper presented at the Research Workshop “Musilanguage in the cradle of different cultures”, School of Science & Technology, Middlesex University London, London, UK, 18th October 2018. Takada, A. (2018). Musicality of infant...