【2019/11/20】The following book was published https://www.koeppe.de/titel_linguistics-across-africa Among the CCI members, Takada (pp.335-348) and Widlok (pp.349-362) contributed chapters. Beyer, K., Boden, G., Koehler, B., & Zoch, U. (Eds.)(2019) Linguistics across Africa: Festschrift for Rainer Vossen. Cologne, Germany: Ruediger Koeppe Verlag Koeln.
【2019/09/09】The following paper was published Takada, A. & Kawashima, M. (2019). Caregivers’ strategies for eliciting storytelling from toddlers in Japanese caregiver-child picture-book reading activities. Research on Children and Social Interaction, 3(1-2), 196-223. DOI: 10.1558/rcsi.37287
【2019/07/13】The following paper was published Takada, A. (2019). Socialization practices regarding shame in Japanese caregiver-child interactions. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1545. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01545
【2019/04/09】 book publication The following book was published from Sekaishisosha. Matsumura, K., Nakagawa, O., & Ishii, M. (eds.)(2019) Thinking strategies of cultural anthropology. Kyoto: Sekaishisousha (in Japanese) <http://sekaishisosha.jp/book/b449100.html> The following chapter is contributed to this book by a CCI member. Takada, A. (forthcoming). Child and adult: Where do we come from? Where are we going?...
【2019/02/09】Book Publication. The following book was published. CCI member, A. Takada gave a commentary to Ch.4. Negayama, K., Toyama, N., & Miyauchi, H.(eds.), Shared childrearing: Learning about allomothering from the case of Tarama Island, Okinawa. Tokyo: Kanekoshobo. (in Japanese) <https://honto.jp/netstore/pd-book_29361934.html>
【2019/2/9】Book Publication. The following book was published. Takada, A. (2019). Anthropology of interaction: Places where “mind” meets “culture”. Tokyo: Shinyosha. (in Japanese) <https://www.hanmoto.com/bd/isbn/9784788516076>
【2018/12/13】Paper Publication. The following paper was published. It is based on the panel discussion surrounding professor Stephen C. Levinson for 20th anniversary of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences held in March 2018. Takada, A., Katagiri, Y., & Kataoka, K. (2018). Comments on “Interactional foundations of language: The interaction engine hypothesis”: Perspectives...
【2018/07/03】Book Publication. The following book was published. CCI member, A. Takada contributed an article (Ch.9) to it. Nyamnjoh, F. B. (ed.)(2018) Eating and being eaten: Cannibalism as food for thought. Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG
【2018/03/28】Book Publication. The following book was published. CCI members Ch.3(Burdelski), Ch.4(Cekaite), Ch.33(Morita), and Ch.42(Takada) contributed articles to it. Favareau, D. (ed.)(2018) Co-operative Engagements in Intertwined Semiosis: Essays in Honour of Charles Goodwin. Tartu: The University of Tartu Press.
【2018/03/26】Book Translation. The following book translation was published. CCI members (Ch.4[Takada], and Ch.14[Shimada]) participated in the translation too. S. Malloch and C. Trevarthen(eds.), K. Negayama, K. Imagawa, S. Kabaya, Y. Shimura, E. Haneishi, & S. Maruyama (Supervisor of translation), Communicative musicality: Exploring the basis of human companionship. Tokyo: Ongaku No Tomo Sha...