We will have public lectures at The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University. We will have public lectures at The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University from October 2023 to February 2024. All courses will be conducted in Japanese.
The 3rd Colloquium of Ecological future making of childrearing(28th July, 2023) Co-construction of Habitus and Habitat in Namibia 【Date】28th July 2023 (Friday)【Time】14:00 – 17:00【Venue】#Large-sized meeting room, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University 【Schedule】14:00-14:10 Introduction Akira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University)14:10-15:30 Ms. Velina Ninkova(Development Studies, Department of International Studies and Interpreting, Faculty of Education and International...
【2022/3/17】14th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation Mr. Simon Hangula Hangula from Niigata Univ. and Dr.Yuichiro Fujioka from Kyushu Univ. gave the talk in hybrid style. The title of Simon’s talk was ”The application of remote sensing to monitor forest degradation due to human activities in the buffer zones around national parks in Namibia.” The title of Yuichiro’s...
【2022/3/9】8th Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition Dr. Kayoko Tsuji gave the online talk. The title of the talk is “Kyoto City Women’s ”Hull” Honorifics-Transformation from Honorifics- .” Thank you for join us.
【2022/2/28】7th Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition Dr. Maho Isono gave the hybrid style talk. The title of the talk was “A sense of risk and the human perspective and ethics that support it.” Thank you for join us.
【2021/11/16】12th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation Dr. Federico Rossano gave the online talk. The title of the his talk was ”The emergence of property concerns.” Thank you for join us.
【2021/11/14】Online talk of Dr. Federico Rossano and Dr. Anne White Dr. Federico Rossano from UCSD and Dr. Anne White from UCSD gave the online talk. The title of the talk of Dr. Anne White was “Deflecting, noticing and correcting: Navigating delicate topics in patient visits”, and title of Dr. Federico Rossano was “Interacting like a human being: On calibrating requests.”...
【2020/04/08】5th Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition The 5th Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition was available to watch online with the handout until May 8, 2020 (finished). This time Professor Peg Barratt at the George Washington University gave us a talk. The Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition is set up for exploring into...
【2020/03/24】5th Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition The 5th Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition will be recorded and streamed online. This time Professor Peg Barratt from the George Washington University will give us a talk. The Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition is set up for exploring into the process that children develop intersubjectivity...
【2019/05/07】9th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation The 9th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation was held at #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University on 7th (Tuesday) May, 2019. This time Professor Wim M.J. van Binsbergen from African Studies Centre Leiden, the Netherlands gave us a talk. 9th Colloquium of Natural History of...