【2018/12/18】The 4th Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition The 4th Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition will be held at Middle-Size Meeting Room, the third floor, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Kyoto University on 18th (Tuesday) December 2018. This time Prof. David Lancy, from Utah state University, the US, will give us a talk. David is worldly famous...
【2018/07/17】8th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation The 8th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation will be held at #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University on 17th (Tuesday) July 2018. This time Prof. Maitseo Bolaane from Department of History, University of Botswana and Ms. Dineo Peke, a PhD candidate will give us a...
【2018/06/29】7th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation I am pleased to inform you that the 7th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation will be held at #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University on 29th (Friday) June 2018. This time Dr. Mattia Fumanti from Department of Social Anthropology, University of St Andrews will give...
【2018/04/27】3rd Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition The 3rd Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition will be held at room 318, third floor, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Kyoto University on 27th (Friday) April 2018. This time we invite Dr. BLIN Raoul from CNRS and CRLAO (Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale), Dr. Hiroko Norimatsu from...
【2018/04/02】Joint Seminar The joint seminar of “Seminar on Developmental Science, Kyoto University” and “2nd Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition” 【Date】 2nd April 2018 (Monday) 13:30-15:30 (The reception will open on 13:00) 【Venue】 #4 lecture room, 2nd Floor, New Building of Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University (Between No.5 and...
【2018/04/02】Announcement of the joint seminar Announcement of the joint seminar of “Seminar on Developmental Science, Kyoto University” and “2nd Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition” It is a pleasure to inform you that we will organize the following joint seminar of “Seminar on Developmental Science, Kyoto University”and “2nd Seminar on the Development of...
【2018/03/14】1st Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition 1st Seminar on the Development of Intersubjective Recognition 【Date】 14th (Wednesday) March 2018 【Venue】 Middle Size Conference room, third floor, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Kyoto University 【Schedule】 13:00-13:10 Introduction Akira Takada (Kyoto University) 13:10-14:10 Linguistic devices for indexing gestures in Arta (Philippines): “(u)wa” ‘what-cha-ma-call-it’ as...
【2018/03/05】11th Seminar of Reconstructing the Paradigm of African Area Studies 11th Seminar of Reconstructing the Paradigm of African Area Studies (Co-organized by 6th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation) <Date> 5th March 2018 (Monday) 15:00-17:00 (Reception will open on 14:30) <Venue> Middle conference room, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University https://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/about/access <Schedule> 15:00-15:10 Introduction Akira Takada (Graduate School...
【2018/02/19】10th Seminar of Reconstructing the Paradigm of African Area Studies 10th Seminar of Reconstructing the Paradigm of African Area Studies <Date> 19th February 2018 (Monday) 17:00-19:00 (Reception will open on 16:30) <Venue> #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University https://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/about/access <Schedule> 17:00-17:10 Introduction Akira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University) 17:10-18:30...
【2015/10/09】13th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning 13th Seminar of Anthropology of Education and Learning was held in Kyoto University on 9th (Friday) October 2015. This time we invited Dr. Sheena Shah <http://www.caldi.uct.ac.za/people/sheena-shah/> from the Centre for African Language Diversity (CALDi), University of Cape Town.