2nd Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation
I am pleased to inform you that the 2nd Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation had held at Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Kyoto University on 17th (Saturday) December 2016.
The Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation is set up for exploring into the interrelated two research questions, namely, (1) how hunter-gatherers and the neighboring agro-pastoralists in the world have interacted with the surrounding environment, and (2) how those peoples have constructed their collective identities. We thus invite distinguished researchers, who are promoting relevant studies to our research questions to give us a talk on their works.
2nd Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation
17th December 2016 (Saturday) 13:00-17:30 (Reception will open on 12:30)
#318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University
Akira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University)
Hostility and coexistence: Verbal expressions of aggression and flouting between the Baka hunter-gatherers and the Konanbembe agrarians
Yujie Peng (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University)
Reorganization of San society in New Xade, Botswana: Analysis of changes in funeral customs
Yuriko Sugiyama (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University)
Landscape transition in a contact zone between the !Xun and the Owambo of north-central Namibia
Akira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University)
General discussion
* The talk is given in Japanese, and no translation will be provided.
* No reservation is required for participating in the Colloquium.
* Admission-free.
* The Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation is a serial seminar that have been carried out since Academic Year 2016, as part of the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)(Overseas Academic Research) “Natural history of landscape formation in contact zone between hunter-gatherers and agro-pastoralists in Africa” (Primary Investigator: Akira Takada).