It’s a substantially revised edition of “Narratives on San ethnicity” (Kyoto University Press & Trans Pacific Press, 2015). Takada, A. (2022). Hunters among farmers: The !Xun of Ekoka. Windhoek: University of Namibia Press.
Mr. Simon Hangula Hangula from Niigata Univ. and Dr.Yuichiro Fujioka from Kyushu Univ. gave the talk in hybrid style. The title of Simon’s talk was ”The application of remote sensing to monitor forest degradation due to human activities in the buffer zones around national parks in Namibia.” The title of Yuichiro’s talk was ”Formation of Agro-Landscape in North-Central Namibia: Examining the Functions of Human Activities.” Thank you for join us.
【Date】 January 21st 2022 【Time】19:00 – 21:00 【Style】 Online, Zoom Meeting ID: 841 1445 6074 Pass code: 476451 【Language】 English 【Schedule】 19:00-19:10 Introduction Akira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University, Japan) 19:10-20:40 Title: Mining and the Moral and Political Economies of Health in Early Colonial South-West Africa Mattia Fumanti (School of Philosophical Anthropological & Film Studies, University of St Andrews, UK) Abstract: This paper will focus on the ways in which different colonial actors, mining companies’ manager, colonial administrators, and medical officers helped to shape colonial health policies in the mines of South-West Africa in the first two decades after WWI. Whilst there […]
<>. Among the CCI members, Takada contributed as one of the editors and authors (pp.10-23, 56-69).Joulian, F., Shimada, M., Takada, A., & Tian, X. (Eds.). (2021). Waza, l’art ineffable de l’apprentissage. Techniques & Culture, 76, 1-253.
Dr. Federico Rossano from UCSD gave the online talk. The title of his talk was ”The emergence of property concerns ” Thank you for join us.
<>. Among the CCImembers, Takada & Miyake (pp.245-266) contributed chapters.Steinforth, A. S. & Klocke-Daffa, S. (eds.)(2021) Challengingauthorities: Ethnographies of legitimacy and power in eastern andsouthern Africa. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Yamada, S., Takada, A., & Kessi, S. (Eds.). (2021). Knowledge,education, and social structure in Africa. Bamenda, Cameroon: LangaaRPCIG <>Among the CCI members, Takada (Introduction, Chapter 2) contributed asan editor and author.
In the Zoom symposium of the MC research group<>, a joint review session of“Anthropology of interaction: Places where “mind” meets “culture”” washeld.
The book review of “Anthropology of interaction: Places where “mind” meets “culture”” was published in Journal of African Studies, 98, 56-60.
The book review of “Narratives on San ethnicity: The cultural and ecological foundations of lifeworld among the !Xun of north-central Namibia” was published in Journal of Southern African Studies, 45(2)<>. In addition, based on the book review, a discussion seminar was held at the following webinar.The Webinar Series of Kalahari Basin Area Network. 19th November 2020.
The book review of “Anthropology of interaction: Places where “mind”meets “culture”” was published in Japanese Journal of Social Psychology,35(3) <DOI:>.
The following talk was given in a webinar series. Takada, A. (2020). The use of demonstratives and gestures in the wayfinding practices of the G|ui/G||ana. Paper presented at the Webinar Series of Kalahari Basin Area Network. 27th August 2020.
Takada, A. (2020). The ecology of playful childhood: Caregiver-childinteractions among the San of southern Africa.New York: Palgrave Macmillan.<>
Imagawa, K. (ed.)(2020) Why do we have music? Interdisciplinaryexploration to musicality. Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomo Sha Corp. (in Japanese)<>Among the CCI members, Takada (pp.88-100) contributed a chapter.
Takada, A. (2020). Deepening the engagement with the environment: Acase study of wayfinding practices among the G|ui/G||ana. JapaneseJournal of Cultural Anthropology, 84(4), 443-462. (in Japanese)
The following book (Japanese translation) was published from Shumpusha Publishing. Hewlett, B. L. (Author), Hattori, S., Oishi, T., and Toda, M. (Trans.), Listen, here is a story: Ethnographic life narratives from Aka and Ngandu women of the Congo Basin. Yokohama: Shumpusha Publishing. (in Japanese)<> From CCI members, Mikako Toda (translator) and Akira Takada (commentary) contributed to the Japanese translation of this book.
The book review of “Anthropology of interaction: Places where “mind”meets “culture”” was published in the Japanese Journal of Language inSociety, 22(2) <>.
<>.Among the CCI members, Takada (pp.276-303) contributed a chapter.Sugishima, T. (Ed.)(2019) Anthropology of communicative ontology.Kyoto: Rinsenshoten. (in Japanese) the CCI members, Takada (pp.204-217) contributed a chapter.Hewlett, B. L. (Ed.)(2019) The Secret Lives of Anthropologists:Lessons from the Field. New York: Routledge. Among the CCI members, Takada (pp.335-348) and Widlok (pp.349-362) contributed chapters.Beyer, K., Boden, G., Koehler, B., & Zoch, U. (Eds.)(2019) Linguistics across Africa: Festschrift for Rainer Vossen. Cologne, Germany: Ruediger Koeppe Verlag Koeln.
The 9th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation was held at #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University on 7th (Tuesday) May, 2019. This time Professor Wim M.J. van Binsbergen from African Studies Centre Leiden, the Netherlands gave us a talk. 9th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation 【Date】7th May 2019 (Tuesday) 14:00-15:40 (Reception will open on 13:40) 【Venue】#318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University 【Schedule】 14:00-14:10IntroductionAkira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies(ASAFAS), Kyoto University) 14:10-15:10Researching Power and Identity in African State Formation: Retrospectand ProspectWim M.J. van Binsbergen (Emeritus Professor, Erasmus UniversityRotterdam / Associated Senior Researcher, African Studies Centre,Leiden) Towards the […]
The following book was published from Sekaishisosha. Matsumura, K., Nakagawa, O., & Ishii, M. (eds.)(2019) Thinking strategies of cultural anthropology. Kyoto: Sekaishisousha (in Japanese)<> The following chapter is contributed to this book by a CCI member.Takada, A. (forthcoming). Child and adult: Where do we come from? Where are we going? In K. Matsumura, O. Nakagawa, & M. Ishii (eds.), Thinking strategies of cultural anthropology. Kyoto: Sekaishisosha, pp.140-151. (in Japanese)
The following book was published.Takada, A. (2019). Anthropology of interaction: Places where “mind” meets “culture”. Tokyo: Shinyosha. (in Japanese)<>
The following talk was given at Paris, France Takada, A. (2018). Folk knowledge and wayfinding practices among theSan of the Central Kalahari. A paper presented at Kyoto-EHESSInternational Symposium 2019: Contribution of Area Studies to GlobalChallenges in Africa. BULAC, Paris, France, 4th December 2018.
Bateman, A. & Church, A. (Eds.), Children’s knowledge-in-interaction: Studies in conversation analysis. Springer.<> This book includes the following papers written by CCI members. “Relating with an Unborn Baby: Expectant Mothers Socializing Their Toddlers in Japanese Families” by Akira Takada & Michie Kawashima (pp.211-229). “Young Children’s Initial Assessments in Japanese” by Matthew Burdelski & Emi Morita (pp.231-255).
The following talks were given at London, UK Takada, A. (2018). How the !Xun soothe and amuse infants? Paperpresented at the Research Workshop “Musilanguage in the cradle ofdifferent cultures”, School of Science & Technology, MiddlesexUniversity London, London, UK, 18th October 2018. Takada, A. (2018). Musicality of infant directed communication amongthe San of southern Africa. Paper presented at the Research Workshop“Musilanguage in the cradle of different cultures”, School of Science& Technology, Middlesex University London, London, UK, 18th October2018.
The following talk was given at London, UK Takada, A. (2018). Environmental perception and wayfinding practicesamong the San of the Central Kalahari. Paper presented at the SocialAnthropology Seminar Series, UCL Anthropology, University CollegeLondon, London, UK, 17th October 2018.
The 8th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation will be held at #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University on 17th (Tuesday) July 2018. This time Prof. Maitseo Bolaane from Department of History, University of Botswana and Ms. Dineo Peke, a PhD candidate will give us a talk. This is an admission-free seminar. Researvation is not required for participating in it. We are looking forward to seeing you there! 8th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation 【Date】 17th July 2018 (Tuesday) 15:00-17:00 (Reception will open on 14:30) 【Venue】 #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University 【Schedule】 15:00-15:10 […]
The following book was published. CCI member, A. Takada contributed anarticle (Ch.9) to it. Nyamnjoh, F. B. (ed.)(2018) Eating and being eaten: Cannibalism asfood for thought. Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG
I am pleased to inform you that the 7th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation will be held at #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University on 29th (Friday) June 2018. This time Dr. Mattia Fumanti from Department of Social Anthropology, University of St Andrews will give us a talk. This is an admission-free seminar. Researvation is not required for participating in it. We are looking forward to seeing you there! 7th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation 【Date】 29th June 2018 (Friday) 15:00-17:00 (Reception will open on 14:30) 【Venue】 #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University 【Schedule】 15:00-15:10 Introduction Akira Takada […]
Favareau, D., Aronsson, K., Burdelski, M., Cekaite, A., Couper-kuhlen, E., De Leon, L., Deppermann, A., Enfield, N. J., Everhart, D., Ford,C. E., Foster, J. B., & Cartmill E. A., Fox, B., & Thompson, S. A., Haviland, J., Hayashi, M., Heath, C., Heritage, J., Hoffmeyer, J., Iwasaki, S., Kendon, A., Kern, F., Koschmann, T., Kuroshima, S., Lindwall, O., Ivarsson, J., Lymer, G., & Åberg, M., Linell, P., Lynch, M., Majlesi, A., & Markee, N., Mcilvenny, P., & Raudaskoski, P., Mcnell, D., Melander, H., Merlino, S., Mondada, L., Morita, E., Nevile, M., Nishizaka, A., Philipsen, J. S., &Jensen, L. V., Schumann, J. H., Selting, M., Sidnell, J., Streeck, J., Takada, A. (2018). […]
Mizuochi, H., Hiyama, T., Ohta, T., Fujioka, Y., Jack, R., Kambatuku, Iijima, M., & Nasahara, K. N. (2017). Development and evaluation of a lookup-table-based approach to data fusion for seasonal wetlands monitoring: An integrated use of AMSR series MODIS, and Landsat. Remote Sensing of Environment :199, 370-388. Watanabe, Y., Itanna, F., Fujioka, Y., Ruben, S. & Iijima, M. (2017). Soil fertility status of seasonally closed wetland ecosystem (ondombe) in north-central Namibia. African Journal of Agricultural Study :12(18), 1538-1546. Sugawara, K. (2017). A theory of ‘animal borders’: Thoughts and practices toward non-human animals among the G|ui hunter-gatherers. Social Analysis :61(2), 100-117. Nakagawa, Hirosi. (2017). ǂHaba lexical tonology,Khoisan Languages and Linguistics. Anne-Maria […]
Takada, A. (ed.). (2018). Special Issue: Reconstructing the paradigmof African Area Studies in a globalizing world.African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue, 54, 1-189.
Takada, A. (2018).On the “Interaction Engine Hypothesis”:Commentaries from Linguistic Anthropological Perspective.Paper presented at the panel discussion for 20th anniversary,the 41st meeting of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences,Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 10th-11th March 2018 (10th March).Abstracts, pp.264-268. (Invited Speaker) (in Japanese)
6th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation 5th March 2018 (Monday) 15:00-17:00 (Reception will open on 14:30) Middle conference room, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University 15:00-15:10 Introduction Akira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University) 15:10-16:30 Framing Future Africa: A report on new collaborative research in the programme “Future rural Africa: future-making and social-ecological transformation” Thomas Widlok(University of Cologne) Abstract: This presentation provides a short summary of a new collaborative research center (CRC) that has recently been launched at the University of Cologne ( and it reports some preliminary findings on the role of framing the future in processes of […]
11th Seminar of Reconstructing the Paradigm of African Area Studies (Co-organized by 6th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation) <Date>5th March 2018 (Monday) 15:00-17:00(Reception will open on 14:30) <Venue>Middle conference room, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University <Schedule>15:00-15:10 IntroductionAkira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies(ASAFAS), Kyoto University) 15:10-16:30 Framing Future Africa: A report on new collaborative research in the programme “Future rural Africa: future-making and social-ecological transformation” Thomas Widlok(University of Cologne) Abstract: This presentation provides a short summary of a new collaborative research center (CRC) that has recently been launched at the University of Cologne ( and it reports some preliminary findings on the role […]
10th Seminar of Reconstructing the Paradigm of African Area Studies <Date>19th February 2018 (Monday) 17:00-19:00(Reception will open on 16:30) <Venue>#318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University <Schedule>17:00-17:10 IntroductionAkira Takada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies(ASAFAS), Kyoto University) 17:10-18:30Violence and Governance in Guerrilla WarZoe Marks(University of Edinburgh) Abstract: Guerrilla war requires careful coordination between rebels and thelocal population. Yet, many groups fighting for liberation and ‘power to the people’ also attack and oppress the people. This paper examineswhy insurgents use violence against those whose support they seek. Ibegin by explaining how violence and governance are intimately connected in civil war, despite being examined in prevailingliterature as ontologically distinct […]
The following lecture was given at Osaka University, Japan Takada, A. (2018). An anthropological approach to the study ofcaregiver-child interactions: Analysis of sleep, breastfeeding, andgymnastic exercise among the !Xun of north-central Namibia. A paperpresented at the 4th round of the serial seminar in AY2017 at theCenter for Research on the Mechanism of Molecular Control System ofChild Mind, United Graduate School of Child Development, OsakaUniversity, Osaka, Japan, 9th January 2018. (in Japanese)
International Symposium France-Japan Area Studies Forum , 1st-3rd December 2017 >Details (Official Web Site)
Dr. Akira Takada, the Principal Investigator of CCI research group gotthe Daido Life Foundation Incentive Award for Area Studies<>
The following panel discussion was held at the University of Cologne, Germany Takada, A. (2017). Panel discussant of Roundtable 1: De-centeringEurope: Not only from the South but also from the East and from theNorth (together with F., Widlok, T., Krause, F., Ventsel, A., Gray,P., Drazkiewicz, & E., Wemheuer). The GSSC conference “The GlobalSouth on the Move: Transforming Capitalism, knowledge and ecologies”.The University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 7-9 June 2017(June 7th).The conference program, p.11.
The following talk was given at Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands Takada, A. (2017). Language Socialization among the San: ReconsideringInfant Directed Speech. Paper presented at “Language Socialisation intrilingual communities in Africa and beyond: Brainstorming Workshop”.Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Leiden University, Leiden,the Netherlands, 7-11 June 2017(June 10th).
I am pleased to inform you that the 5th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation had held at #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University on 3rd (Monday) April 2017. The Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation is set up for exploring into the interelated two research questions, namely, (1) how hunter-gatherers and the neighboring agro-pastoralists in the world have interacted with each other, and (2) how those peopoles have constructed their collective identities. We thus invite distinguished researchers, who are promoting relevant studies to our research questions to give us a talk on their works. 5th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation 【Date】 3rd April […]
The following book was published from University of Tokyo Press. Ikeya, K. (ed.), Environmental history of the earth from theperspective of hunter-gatherers: Co-existence with the nature andneighboring civilizations. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. (in Japanese)<> The following chapter is contributed to this book by a CCI member.Takada, A. (2017). Sedentarization/Christianization of the San inSouth-West Africa (Namibia). In K. Ikeya (Ed.), Environmental historyof the earth from the perspective of hunter-gatherers: Co-existencewith the nature and neighboring civilizations. Tokyo: University ofTokyo Press, pp.203-216. (in Japanese)
The following presentation was made at Cederberg, South Africa Takada, A. (2017). Reconsidering regional structural comparison. Paperpresented at the 6th Riezlern Symposium. Cederberg, South Africa,March 25-28 (27th March 2017).
The following lecture was given at EHESS, Marseille, France Takada, A. (2017). Environmental perception and wayfinding practicesin the Central Kalahari. Paper presented at the “EvolutionnaryAnthropology” seminar, EHESS, Marseille, France, 20th March 2017.<>
The following lecture was given at Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, France Takada, A. (2017). Participation in rhythm: !Xun socialization throughsinging and dancing activities. Paper presented at Séminaire spécialdu CLLE-LTC, Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, France, 15thMarch 2017.<>
The following lecture was given at EHESS, Paris, France Takada, A. (2017). Kyoto School of Ecological Anthropology. Paperpresented at the course of Atelier ouvert des Cahiers d’EtudesAfricaines, EHESS, Paris, France, 11th March 2017.<>
participated in the following panel discussion in New Orleans, USA Takada, A. (2017). Panelist of conversation hour, “Fieldwork andFamily”, at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-CulturalResearch (SCCR), Hampton Inn Convention Center, New Orleans, LA, USA,March 1-4th (March 3rd).<>
The following lecture was given at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre LaDéfense, France Takada, A. (2017). Practices of early cultural learning:Responsibility formation in caregiver-infant interaction among theG|ui/G||ana of Botswana. Paper presented at Laboratoire Ethologie,Cognition, Développement, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense,Paris, France, 24th February 2017.<>
The following lecture was given at EHESS, Paris, France Takada, A. (2017). The cultural and ecological foundations of ethnicity among the !Xun of North-central Namibia. Paper presented at Comprendre les relations Afrique-Asie: espace transversal de recherches et d’enseignement (CRAA-ETRE), EHESS, Paris, France, 21st February 2017. <>
The following lecture was given at Linkoeping University, Sweden. Takada, A. (2017). Participation in rhythm: Peer group interactions among the !Xun San of Namibia. Paper presented at Paper presented at Tema Barn Higher seminar spring 2017. Linkoeping University, Sweden, 14th February 2017. <>
Takada, A. (2017). Re-enacting Birth: Resettlement policy and the ritualistic treatment of abnormal birth in Botswana. Anthropology of giving birth/making a family: An invitation to alternatives. Tokyo:Bensey Publishing Inc, pp.185-209. <>
I am pleased to inform you that the 4th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation had held at #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University on 3rd (Friday) February 2017. The Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation is set up for exploring into the interelated two research questions, namely, (1) how hunter-gatherers and the neighboring agro-pastoralists in the world have interacted with each other, and (2) how those peopoles have constructed their collective identities. We thus invite distinguished researchers, who are promoting relevant studies to our research questions to give us a talk on their works. 4th Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation 【Date】 3rd February […]
I am pleased to inform you that the 3rd Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation had held at #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University on 26th (Thursday) January 2017. The Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation is set up for exploring into the interelated two research questions, namely, (1) how hunter-gatherers and the neighboring agro-pastoralists in the world have interacted with each other, and (2) how those peopoles have constructed their collective identities. We thus invite distinguished researchers, who are promoting relevant studies to our research questions to give us a talk on their works. 3rd Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation 【Date】 26th […]
2nd Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation I am pleased to inform you that the 2nd Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation had held at Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Kyoto University on 17th (Saturday) December 2016. The Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation is set up for exploring into the interrelated two research questions, namely, (1) how hunter-gatherers and the neighboring agro-pastoralists in the world have interacted with the surrounding environment, and (2) how those peoples have constructed their collective identities. We thus invite distinguished researchers, who are promoting relevant studies to our research questions to give us a talk on their works. 2nd Colloquium […]
Terashima, H. & Hewlett, B. S. (Eds.), Social learning and innovation in contemporary hunter-gatherers: Evolutionary and ethnographic perspectives. Tokyo:Springer<> This book includes the following papers written by CCI members. “Transmission of Body Decoration Among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers” by Yujie Peng (pp.83-93). “Education and learning during social situations among the Central Kalahari San” by Akira Takada (pp.97-111). “High Motivation and Low Gain: Food Procurement from Rainforest Foraging by Baka Hunter-Gatherer Children” by Izumi Hagino & Taro Yamauchi (pp.135-144). “Play, Music, and Taboo in the Reproduction of an Egalitarian Society” by Jerome Lewis (pp.147-158). “Variations in Shape, Local Classification, and the Establishment of a Chaîne Opératoire for Pot Making Among Female Potters […]
I am pleased to inform you that the 1st Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation had held at #318, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University on 28th (Tuesday) June 2016. This time we invited Dr./Junior Professor of Anthropology, Michaela Pelican <> from the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Cologne. The Colloquium of Natural History of Landscape Formation is set up for exploring into the interelated two research questions, namely, (1) how hunter-gatherers and the neighboring agro-pastoralists in the world have interacted with each other, and (2) how those peopoles have constructed their collective identities. We thus invite distinguished researchers, who are promoting relevant studies […]
Lovis, W. & Whallon, R. (eds.) (2016). Marking the Land: Hunter-gatherer creation of meaning in their environment. New York: Routledge. More information: This book includes the following paper written by CCI member. Takada, A. (2016). Unfolding cultural meanings: Wayfinding practices among the San of the Central Kalahari. In W. Lovis & R. Whallon(Eds.), Marking the Land: Hunter-gatherer creation of meaning in their environment. New York: Routledge, pp.180-200.