1. Liszkowski, U., Brown, P., Callaghan, T., Takada, A., and de Vos, C. (forthcoming). A prelinguistic gestural universal of human communication. Cognitive Science.
3.Takada, A. (2010). Changes in Developmental Trends of Caregiver-Child Interactions among the San: Evidence from the !Xun of Northern Namibia. African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue, 40, 155-177.
5.Takada, A. (2008). Recapturing space: Production of inter-subjectivity among the Central Kalahari San. In A. Irving, A. Sen, & N. Rapport (Eds.), Journeys: The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing, 9(2), Senses of spatial equilibrium and the journey: Confounded, discomposed, recomposed. New York: Berghahn Journals (pp.114-137).
6.Takada, A. (2006). Explaining pathways in the Central Kalahari. In R. K. Hitchcock, K. Ikeya, M. Biesele, & R. B. Lee (Eds.), Senri Ethnological Studies, 70, Updating the San: Image and reality of an African people in the 21st century. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (pp.101-127).
7.Takada, A. (2005). Early vocal communication and social institution: Appellation and infant verse addressing among the Central Kalahari San. Crossroads of Language, Interaction, and Culture, 6, 80-108.
6. Takada, A. (in press). A personal environment: The application of folk knowledge amongst the San of the central Kalahari Desert. In Handbook of indigenous knowledge and changing environments. Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) Programme, UNESCO.
7. Takada, A. (2011). Pre-verbal infant-caregiver interaction. In A. Duranti, E. Ochs, & B. B. Schieffelin (Eds.), The handbook of language socialization. Oxford: Blackwell (pp.56-80).
8. Takada, A. (2011). Language contact and social change in North-Central Namibia: Socialization via singing and dancing activities among the !Xun San. In O. Hieda, C. Konig & H. Nakagawa (Eds.), Tokyo university of foreign studies: Studies in linguistics Vol.2, Geographical typology and linguistic areas: With special reference to Africa. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins (pp.251-267).
10. Takada, A. (2008). Kinship and naming among the Ekoka !Xun. In S. Ermisch (Ed.), Research in Khoisan studies, No.22, Khoisan languages and linguistics: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium, January 8-12, 2006, Riezlern/Kleinwalsertal. . Cologne, Germany: Rudiger Koppe Verlag Koln (pp.303-322).
11. Takada, A. (2008). Les pratiques de navigation dans le desert du Karahari (Botswana) chez les San: Exemple d’observation participante. In H. Norimatsu & N. Pigem (Eds.), Collection Cursus, psychologie: Les techniques d’observation en sciences humaines. Paris: Armand Colin, (pp.132-141).
14. Takada, A. (2005). Mother-infant interactions among the !Xun: Analysis of gymnastic and breastfeeding behaviors. In B. S. Hewlett & M. E. Lamb (Eds.), Hunter-gatherer childhoods: Evolutionary, developmental, and cultural perspectives (pp.289-308). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
15. Takada, A. (2005). The importance of gesture and grammar in displaying directional markers: Evidence from the San of the Central Kalahari. In K. Sugawara (Ed.), Construction and distribution of body resources: Correlations between ecological, symbolic and medical systems (pp.31-55). Tokyo: The head office of the project on “Distribution and sharing of resources in symbolic and ecological systems: Integrative model-building in anthropology”.
1.Takada, A. (2012). Responsibility formation in directive sequences between Japanese caregivers and children. Paper presented at the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 2012 Inter-Congress: Children and Youth in a Changing World, Bhubaneswar, India, November 26-30.
2.Takada, A. & Endo, T. (2012). Do me a favor: Object requests embedded in directive sequences in Japanese caregiver-child interactions. Paper presented at the symposium: Object requests in six languages, held in Language, Culture and Mind V: Integrating Semiotics Resources in Communication and Creativity, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, CECC-FCH, Lisbon, Portugal, June 27-29.
3.Takada, A. (2012). Socializing practices and kin relationships among the !Xun of Ekoka. Paper presented at the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh: CAS@50: Cutting Edges and Retrospectives, University of Edinburgh, Scottland, June 6-8. (Invited Speaker)
4.Takada, A. (2012). Shaping intimate relationships: developmental transition in caregiving activities for young children among the !Xun of north-central Namibia. Paper presented at the AAACIG symposium held in American Anthropological Association Childhood Interest Group (AAACIG) joint meeting with The Society for Anthropological Sciences (SASci) and The Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR), Las Vegas, NV, USA, February 22-25.
7.Takada, A. (2011). Intimate relationships and the environment: Developmental transition of caregiving activities among the !Xun of North-central Namibia. Paper presented at the international conference: In search of sustainable humanosphere in Asia and Africa. Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University, Japan, December 4-6 (5th December 2011).
8.Takada, A. (2011). From rhythm to morality: Communicative musicality among the San of Southern Africa. Paper presented at the international conference: Intersubjectivity: From birth for life. St. Cecilia’s Hall, Cowgate, Edinburgh, Scotland, 15th October 2011.
9.Takada, A. (2011). Surname and inter-ethnic relationships of the Ekoka !Xun. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Khoisan Languages and Linguistics: The hunter-gatherer legacy of Khoisan-speaking peoples: in memory of Hans den Besten (1948-2010). Riezlern/Kleinwalsertal, Austria, July 10-14 (12th July 2011). (Invited Speaker)
10.Takada, A. (2011). Some features of directive sequences in Japanese caregiver-child interactions. Paper presented at the JSLS invited symposium: Reconsidering “communicative competence”: Findings and suggestions from fieldwork/empirical research, at 13th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, Kansai University, Osaka, June 25-26 (25th June 2011). Proceedings, pp.22-25. (Invited Speaker))
12.Takada, A. (2010). 9th symposium on the cultural formation of responsibility: Interaction, culture, and morality, Kyoto, Japan, 23rd October 2010. (Organizer), 6, 80-108.
13.Takada, A. (2010). 8th symposium on the cultural formation of responsibility: The Edges of Language Socialization Studies, Kyoto, Japan, 17-18th September 2010. (Organizer)アフリカ研究,60, 85-103.
14.Takada, A. (2010). Interactional analysis of the give-and-take activity. Paper presented at the 8th symposium on the cultural formation of responsibility: The Edges of Language Socialization Studies, Kyoto, Japan, 17-18th September 2010 (17th September 2010).
22.Liszkowski, U., Brown, P., Callaghan, T., Takada, A., & de Vos, C. (2010). Infant and caregiver pointing across 7 different cultures. Paper presented at the 2010 International Conference on Infant Studies, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 10-14 (14th March). Abstracts
23.Takada, A. (2010). Participation in rhythm: Socialization through singing and dancing activities among the !Xun San. Paper presented at the AAACIG symposium: Issues in parent-child, institutionalized, and free play settings, held in American Anthropological Association Childhood Interest Group (AAACIG) joint meeting with The Society for Anthropological Sciences (SASci) and The Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR), Albuquerque, NM, USA, February 17-20 (February 18). Abstracts, p.8.
24.Takada, A. (2009). 7th symposium on the cultural formation of responsibility, Kyoto, Japan, 11th December 2009. (Organizer).
25.Takada, A. (2009). 6th symposium on the cultural formation of responsibility: The dynamics of life and family, Kyoto, Japan, 8th September 2009. (Organizer)
26.Takada, A. (2009). Participation in rhythm: Socialization via song/dance activities among the !Xun San. Paper presented at the 6th symposium on the cultural formation of responsibility: The dynamics of life and family, Kyoto, Japan, 8th September 2009.
27.Takada, A. (2009). Imagined pathways: Co-constructing ecological knowledge in navigation practices among the San of the central Kalahari Desert. Paper presented at the 11th International Pragmatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July 12-17(July 17). Abstracts, pp.173-174.
30. Takada, A. (2009). Language contact and social change in North-Central Namibia: Their impact on child-group interaction among the !Xun. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Global COE Program “Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education”: A Geographical Typology of African Languages jointly with an International Workshop on Khoisan Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, 12th-14th May 2009 (14th May). Abstracts, p.16.
33. Takada, A. (2008). Socializing to and through children’s culture: the emergence of sibling-care among a San post-foraging society. Paper presented at the 107th Annual meeting of American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 19 – 23. Abstracts, p.604.
34. Takada, A. (2008). Interactional conditions for the reciprocal give-and-take activity. Paper presented at the 3rd symposium on the cultural formation of responsibility: Responsibility in Relationships: Linguistic Anthropological Approach, Kyoto, Japan, 25th-26th October 2008. Abstracts, p.6.
35. Takada, A. (2008). Re-enacting birth: The spread of the chebama ritual in the central Kalahari. Paper presented at the International Conference: Ritual Dynamics and the Science of Ritual, Heidelberg, Germany, 29th September-2nd October 2008. Abstracts, p.88.
37. Takada, A. (2008). The developmental trajectory of give-and-take activity in caregiver-infant interactions. Paper presented at the Symposium on Pragmatic constraints and resource diversity in caregiver-infant interactions across cultures, XI International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Edinburgh, 28 July-1 August 2008. Abstracts, p.76.
38. Takada, A. (2008). Kinship terminology and naming practices among the !Xun. Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Khoisan Languages and Linguistics: Khoisan Languages – an Endangered World: in memory of Professor Anthony Traill. Riezlern/Kleinwalsertal, Austria, July 6-10.
40. Takada, A. (2007). Dancing in a circle: Communicative competence in imitation activity among San children. Paper presented at the 106th Annual meeting of American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, November 28 – December 2. Abstracts, pp.542-543.
41.Takada, A. (2007). Practices of early cultural learning: Responsibility in caregiver-infant interaction. Paper presented at the CLIC Symposium on Language Socialization, Interaction and Culture, UCLA, CA, 23rd-24th February 2007. Abstracts, pp.11-12.
43. Takada, A. (2006). Naming practices among the Central Kalahari San (G|ui and G||ana): An anthropological approach on early vocal communication. Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Khoisan Languages and Linguistics, “Genesis and Development: In memory of Pastor Eliphas Eiseb”. Riezlern, Germany, January 8-12.
45. Takada, A. (2004). The development of Social Interaction: An Ethnographic Study of the San of Southern Africa. Paper presented at Symposium: Child Development in Culture, Fukuoka, Japan, 6th-7th November 2004. 2004・11・6-7.
46. Takada, A. (2003). Preliminary analysis of early vocal communication among the San of Southern Africa. Paper presented at the Workshop: Social Interaction and Cultural Learning, Communications Research Laboratory, Kyoto, Japan, 18th July 2003.
47. Takada, A. (2002). Mother-infant interactions among the !Xun: Analysis of gymnastic and breast-feeding behaviors. Paper presented at the Workshop: Culture and Ecology of Forager Children, Edinburgh, Scotland, 7th-8th September 2002.